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Upgrading Chaos Genius

From a previous version​

To upgrade Chaos Genius from a previous version, pull the latest changes from both the repository and Dockerhub and then restart the services.

For the Default Installation, use:

docker-compose stop

git pull

docker-compose pull

docker-compose up

For the Third-party version Installation, use these commands instead:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.thirdparty.yml stop

git pull

docker-compose -f docker-compose.thirdparty.yml pull

docker-compose -f docker-compose.thirdparty.yml up

Upgrading from Default to Third-party version​

To upgrade Chaos Genius from the Default Installation to Third-party version installation, use these commands:

docker-compose stop

docker-compose -f docker-compose.thirdparty.yml up

All third-party data sources are NOT enabled by default. Please see this section to enable specific third-party data sources.