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GCP Deployment

Step 1: Setting up your account​

Create or log into your GCP account & select appropriate project.

Step 2: Deploying the instance​

  1. Enable the Compute Engine API and create a new VM instance. Create a new VM
  2. Name your VM chaosgenius
  3. Select your desired region and zone.
  4. For KPIs that process up to 10M rows, select e2-standard-4 machine type under the E2 series of the general-purpose machine family. (This will provision 4 vCPUs and 16 GB of RAM) Set type of VM
  5. Change the boot disk from the default Debian Linux to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Increase the boot disk size to 30GB. (30GB is recommended) Set boot disk of VM
  6. Click on Networking, and under network tags, type in chaosgenius as a tag. Set Networking Properties
  7. Leave the other options as default and create the instance.
  8. Wait for the instance to be provisioned.

Step 3: Configure GCP Networking and Firewall​

  1. From the GCP console sidebar, Choose Networking > VPC network > Firewall.
    Set Firewall
  2. Choose "Create Firewall Rule"
  3. Name the rule as chaosgenius
  4. To apply the rule to select VM instances, select Targets > "Specified target tags", and enter chaosgenius into Target tags
  5. Set Source IPv4 ranges to allow traffic from all IPs:
  6. To allow incoming TCP connections to port 8080, in Specified Protocols and Ports, check tcp and enter 8080
    Set TCP connections
  7. Click Create

Step 4: Installing Dependencies​

  1. Install docker on your machine.
  2. Verify your installation of docker with sudo systemctl status docker. Your output should be similar to this: Docker verification output
  3. Install docker-compose on your machine.
  4. Verify your installation of docker-compose with docker-compose --version. Your output should be similar to this: Docker verification output

Step 5: Cloning the repository​

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone
  2. Move into the repository:
    cd chaos_genius

Step 6: Start the containers​

  1. Setup all of the required parameters.

  2. For Default Installation, bring containers to life with:
    sudo docker-compose up

    Or you can use the detached mode, which is preferable on servers as it allows the containers to run in the background.

    sudo docker-compose up -d

    If you also need any third-party data sources such as Google Sheets, Google Analytics, Shopify, Stripe, Bind Ads, Facebook Marketing or Google Ads, use the docker-compose.thirdparty.yml file:

    sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.thirdparty.yml up -d
  3. To view real time logs run:

    sudo docker-compose logs -f

Step 7: Access the Dashboard​

Once you see the Chaos Genius success banner, the UI is ready to be accessed at <Public IP>:8080.
If everything was successful, you should see this page at the URL: Initial UI Screen

Note: Check your dashboard for your machine’s public IP.