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Tips for beginners

Quick Start with Public Data Sets​

Use our Public Data Sets on Postgres and Snowflake instances as a sanity check while setting up analytics. We are making these available for other Databases and Data Warehouses as well.

Visit our Accessing the Data page to get the appropriate database or data warehouse credentials.

Generating logs for debugging​

If our troubleshooting guide doesn't fix your issue you can share your docker logs with us. We will be able to replicate and investigate the issue in a better and faster way.

On Linux, MacOS or WSL, use these commands to generate log files:

docker logs chaosgenius-server &> chaosgenius-server.log
docker logs chaosgenius-worker-analytics &> chaosgenius-worker-analytics.log
docker logs chaosgenius-worker-alerts &> chaosgenius-worker-alerts.log
docker logs chaosgenius-scheduler &> chaosgenius-scheduler.log
docker-compose logs --no-color &> chaosgenius-compose.log

On CMD (Command Prompt) or Powershell on Windows, use these commands instead:

docker logs chaosgenius-server > chaosgenius-server.log 2>&1
docker logs chaosgenius-worker-analytics > chaosgenius-worker-analytics.log 2>&1
docker logs chaosgenius-worker-alerts > chaosgenius-worker-alerts.log 2>&1
docker logs chaosgenius-scheduler > chaosgenius-scheduler.log 2>&1
docker-compose logs --no-color > chaosgenius-compose.log 2>&1

Attach all of the generated .log files with your message.

Note: Currently docker logs follow standard docker compose behavior - they do not persist across docker shutdowns. In case your scenario requires log persistence across multiple docker sessions, please get in touch with us to enable a fluentd based log persistence for your docker compose.

Sentry Logging​

To help us debug and classify errors, you can opt-in to send us error messages with Sentry. See our our Configuring Chaos Genius page to set up Sentry.