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AWS Deployment

Step 1: Setting up your account​

Create or log into your AWS account.

Step 2: Deploying the instance​

Naviate to EC2 Management Console and select Launch Instance. Follow the following steps during instance setup:

  1. Choose AMI: Select Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (HVM for x86 as your AMI Choose AMI
  2. Choose Instance Type: For KPIs that process up to 10M rows, use an xlarge instance like m5.xlarge Choose Instance
  3. Configure Instance: In configure instance details select the requisite org VPC settings to access DBs
  4. Add Storage: Update root storage to 30GB for buffer with metadata & analytics results
  5. Add Tags: Add chaosgenius tags depending on your organization's tag nomenclature
  6. Configure Security Group: Add rule to support port 8080 for IPv4 & IPv6 Configure Security Group
  7. Launch the instance

Step 3: Installing Dependencies​

  1. Install docker on your machine.
  2. Verify your installation of docker with sudo systemctl status docker. Your output should be similar to this: Docker verification output
  3. Install docker-compose on your machine.
  4. Verify your installation of docker-compose with docker-compose --version. Your output should be similar to this: Docker verification output

Step 4: Cloning the repository​

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone
  2. Move into the repository:
    cd chaos_genius

Step 5: Start the containers​

  1. Setup all of the required parameters.

  2. For Default Installation, bring containers to life with:
    sudo docker-compose up

    Or you can use the detached mode, which is preferable on servers as it allows the containers to run in the background.

    sudo docker-compose up -d

    If you also need any third-party data sources such as Google Sheets, Google Analytics, Shopify, Stripe, Bind Ads, Facebook Marketing or Google Ads, use the docker-compose.thirdparty.yml file:

    sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.thirdparty.yml up -d
  3. To view real time logs run:

    sudo docker-compose logs -f

Step 6: Access the Dashboard​

Once you see the Chaos Genius success banner, the UI is ready to be accessed at <Public IP>:8080.
If everything was successful, you should see this page at the URL: Initial UI Screen

Note: Check your dashboard for your machine’s public IP.