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Handling Dimensions

Using a numerical column as dimension​

Numerical columns are supported by DeepDrills via binning. Currently, Anomaly does not accept numerical columns as dimensions. If you've added a numerical column, Anomaly will disregard that column during its calculations.

If you have a numerical column, for example Country Code or Stock ID that needs to be treated as a categorical variable, please use the CAST function to convert them into string format.

Examply Queries:

  • For Google BigQuery:
    SELECT CAST(<column_name> AS STRING) AS casted_column, *  FROM table_name
  • For Snowflake, Redshift, Postgres:
    SELECT CAST(<column_name> AS TEXT) AS casted_column, *  FROM table_name

Using a high cardinality column as dimension​

If your dimension column has cardinality greater than 1000, you can change it's value in your .env file. For more information on this please refer to the Config Parameters Section.