- This data source requires the third-party version of Chaos Genius. Please install the third-party version or upgrade to it.
- This data source is not enabled by default in the third-party version. Please see this section to enable it.
Chaos Genius uses Airbyte's Stripe Connector to sync the following core Streams:
Balance Transactions (Incremental)
Charges (Incremental)
Coupons (Incremental)
Customers (Incremental)
Disputes (Incremental)
Events (Incremental)
Invoice Items (Incremental)
Invoices (Incremental)
PaymentIntents (Incremental)
Payouts (Incremental)
Plans (Incremental)
Products (Incremental)
Refunds (Incremental)
Subscriptions (Incremental)
Transfers (Incremental)
To connect Stripe as a data source, you will need the following information:
Account ID
Client Secret
Start Date for syncing
Visit the Stripe API Keys page in the Stripe dashboard to access the secret key for your account. Secret keys for the live Stripe environment will be prefixed with sk_live_or rk_live.
Visit the Airbyte page for more detailed information here.